Welford Primary School

Welford Primary School

Diversity Is Our Strength & Together We Succeed


In Maths we look to develop children who in their mathematical learning are: brave (enjoy challenges and learn from mistakes), active (talk, draw and use equipment), creative (search for alternative strategies and solutions) and look back (check workings, make links & learn from others).

[Thank you to Gareth Metcalfe of iSee Maths for this list of attributes]

To help us in this process we are building a maths curriculum that provides a balance of the three main strands of mastery maths:  fluency (including the quick, accurate recall and application of basic number facts), reasoning and problem solving within daily maths sessions. We also use a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to help develop and deepen children’s understanding.

We use a range of resources to help us in achieving this, including the iSee Maths resources (of Gareth Metcalfe), but the basic structure for our maths curriculum is provided by the White Rose Hub Maths plans, alongside the twelve reasoning structures developed by the Sense of Number consultancy. Together they help ensure our maths teaching contains appropriate breadth and depth.